Michal, your words with your painting NO, have inspired me write
I tried to scream those powerful words NO!!
But they recoiled in my voice, no sound,
As a child I was so helpless
No courage, horrendous fate I was bound.
So destitute and frightened, alone was I
It just wasn't safe to speak out or scream,
Many times how I wished with all my heart
It was not reality, but just a dream.
But it was reality, and I was caught up
In a web where I couldn't escape,
If I told, then I would be abandoned they said
But enough!! NO!! NO more rape.
My No is slowly growing strong
I found the strength one day,
To walk away and not look back
NO MORE!! is what I did say!!
Let's all join together to say NO to abuse!!
For the children, the silence must end,
And to all the adults who still are trapped in fear
All our stories, a message we will send.
written by Mary Graziano/inspired by the words of Michal Madison
November 20, 2012 Artwork done by Michal Madison www.MichalMadisonArt.com