I was that little girl
Who was so very lost,
Stuck in an adult world you see
It was me he did accost.
I shouldn't have known these awful things
That were so strange and bad,
So much sadness on my face
But I didn't know how to get mad.
He wanted me to like it
But what was there to like,
It made my stomach turn in knots
I was just a little tyke.
I felt so lost and empty
I kept everything buried inside,
So deep within my memory
My thoughts I had to hide.
You took away my innocence
You took away my soul,
I have to face the nightmares still
My happiness you stole.
My inner self is broken
My mind can't comprehend,
The vulgar ways you touched me
And the message you did send.
So yes I was that little girl
Who was so very lost,
And even in my adult self
My life is what's at cost.
written by Mary G.
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog! It means so much that I can touch and inspire the lives of others.
I LOVE this poem! It communicates just how I felt because of what this bastard did to me!!!
We have similar styles of poetry writing. Please check out my poetry blog at poetsunite.blogspot.com
I think you should submit this poem to the Healing Through Creativity art festival this October. You can do it online. Here is the address
I am going to have 2 of my poems from my book displayed at the festival.
Remember Mary you are NEVER alone in your pain and there is always hope. Please take care.
Well written Mary, but as usual very sad........My heart goes out to you. Hope you and your family are doing o.k these days? Thanks for stopping by still and leaving me your comments. Greatly appreciated :)
Hugs & Blessings,
Words many of us can understand that's for sure. I agree with Hopeful, very well written. I think its great that you're in a place with it all that you can write it and put it out there. That can lead to some huge steps towards healing.
This poem really resonated with me. May I post it on my Courageous Steps blog with a link back to you?
A very sad poem and one that reflects clearly the kind of pain you went through and still go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
This is sad...but very poignant!
Marie: Thanks for your comment and yes I will check out your blog, and I did enter it into the contest thanks.
Stacy, thanks for everything, family is doing great, its our anniversary tomorrow 34 years. wow where has the time gone. all the best to you and your family also. take care love Mary
Jade: Thanks for the kind words. take care
CC: Yes you can post it on your blog. thanks
AD..thanks for the comments...take care..
Mary, with your words, you could be telling about my childhood. I feel like I already know you so well. Give yourself credit for the courage that it takes to write about your experiences.
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