I share my blog for everyone. For those who also suffer from Abuse/Incest. I hope that by writing my feelings, my poetry on my abuse as a child, will help and encourage you and to let you know that YOU ARE NEVER TO BLAME FOR WHAT HAPPENED..We were innocent children, the abuser is always at blame. Please leave me a comment so I know you were here..thank you. look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Mary
I read your blog and was moved to say the least. I hope you know how much I care and love you. I truly believe God was there with you that day and He wants only peace and joy for you! I wish we had been sisters long before we found each other. I know that we would have been there for each other growing up, but unfortunately it was meant for us to become sisters, friends and confidants later in life. Continue your good work and I know many have been blessed by your poems and pictures. Hugs sis, Love Laurie
Laurie. Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. I wish we knew each other earlier in life. But like you say it wasn't meant to be. Love you..Love Mary xoxoox
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